Spin-controlled generation of a complete polarization set with randomly-interleaved plasmonic metasurfaces
스핀들 제어는 임의로 교차하는 플라즈마 초표면의 완전한 편광 집합을 생성합니다
El control de giro genera un conjunto completo de polarizaciones con supersuperficies de plasma escalonadas aleatoriamente
Le contrôle de spin génère un ensemble complet de polarisations avec des supersurfaces plasmatiques entrelacées aléatoirement
Спиновое управление генерирует полное поляризованное множество со случайным переплетением плазменных сверхповерхностей
Sören im Sande, Yadong Deng, Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, Fei Ding 丁飞
Centre for Nano Optics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense 5230, Denmark
Opto-Electronic Advances, 23 July 2024

Optical metasurfaces, comprising subwavelength quasi-planar nanostructures, constitute a universal platform for manipulating the amplitude, phase, and polarization of light, thus paving a way for the next generation of highly integrated multifunctional optical devices. In this work, we introduce a reflective metasurface for the generation of a complete (angularly resolved) polarization set by randomly interleaving anisotropic plasmonic meta-atoms acting as nanoscale wave plates.

In the proof-of-concept demonstration, we achieve multidirectional beam-steering into different polarization channels forming a complete set of polarization states, which can also be dynamically altered by switching the spin of incident light. The developed design concept represents a significant advancement in achieving flat polarization optics with advanced functionalities.
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