Genetic algorithm assisted meta-atom design for high-performance metasurface optics
유전 알고리즘 보조 고성능 원표면 광학 원자 설계
Algoritmo genético ayuda al diseño atómico de elementos ópticos de superficie de elementos de alto rendimiento
Algorithme génétique auxiliaire haute performance Meta surface optique Meta Atomic Design
Генетический алгоритм помогает проектированию высокопроизводительных метаповерхностных оптических атомов
Zhenjie Yu ¹, Moxin Li ¹, Zhenyu Xing ¹, Hao Gao ¹, Zeyang Liu ¹, Shiliang Pu ², Hui Mao ², Hong Cai ², Qiang Ma ², Wenqi Ren ², Jiang Zhu ², Cheng Zhang ¹
¹ School of Optical and Electronic Information & Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China
中国 武汉 华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院 武汉光电国家实验室
² Hikvision Research Institute, Hangzhou, 310051, China
中国 杭州 海康威视研究院
Opto-Electronic Science, 20 September 2024

Metasurfaces, composed of planar arrays of intricately designed meta-atom structures, possess remarkable capabilities in controlling electromagnetic waves in various ways. A critical aspect of metasurface design involves selecting suitable meta-atoms to achieve target functionalities such as phase retardation, amplitude modulation, and polarization conversion.

Conventional design processes often involve extensive parameter sweeping, a laborious and computationally intensive task heavily reliant on designer expertise and judgement. Here, we present an efficient genetic algorithm assisted meta-atom optimization method for high-performance metasurface optics, which is compatible to both single- and multi-objective device design tasks.

We first employ the method for a single-objective design task and implement a high-efficiency Pancharatnam-Berry phase based metalens with an average focusing efficiency exceeding 80% in the visible spectrum. We then employ the method for a dual-objective metasurface design task and construct an efficient spin-multiplexed structural beam generator. The device is capable of generating zeroth-order and first-order Bessel beams respectively under right-handed and left-handed circular polarized illumination, with associated generation efficiencies surpassing 88%.

Finally, we implement a wavelength and spin co-multiplexed four-channel metahologram capable of projecting two spin-multiplexed holographic images under each operational wavelength, with efficiencies over 50%. Our work offers a streamlined and easy-to-implement approach to meta-atom design and optimization, empowering designers to create diverse high-performance and multifunctional metasurface optics.
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Reviews and Discussions
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