Spin-dependent amplitude and phase modulation with multifold interferences via single-layer diatomic all-silicon metasurfaces
단층 쌍원자 전규소 초표면을 통해 다중 간섭을 가진 자선 관련 진폭과 위상 변조를 진행하다
Modulación de amplitud y fase relacionada con el giro con múltiples interferencias a través de una sola capa de supersuperficie de silicio completo biatómico
Modulation d'amplitude et de phase dépendante du spin avec interférences multiples par supersurface monocouche biatomique en silicium
Модуляция связанных со спином амплитуд и фаз с множественной интерференцией через однослойную двухатомную полностью кремниевую суперповерхность
Hui Li ¹, Chenhui Zhao ², Jie Li ³, Hang Xu ¹, Wenhui Xu ¹, Qi Tan ¹, Chunyu Song ¹, Yun Shen ², Jianquan Yao ¹
¹ Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
中国 天津 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院 光电信息技术教育部重点实验室(天津大学)
² Department of Physics, School of Physics and Materials Science, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
中国 南昌 南昌大学物理与材料学院物理系
³ Sichuan Meteorological Optoelectronic Sensor Technology and Application Engineering Research Center, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China
中国 成都 成都信息工程大学四川省气象光电传感器技术及应用工程研究中心
Diatomic metasurfaces designed for interferometric mechanisms possess significant potential for the multidimensional manipulation of electromagnetic waves, including control over amplitude, phase, frequency, and polarization. Geometric phase profiles with spin-selective properties are commonly associated with wavefront modulation, allowing the implementation of conjugate strategies within orthogonal circularly polarized channels. Simultaneous control of these characteristics in a single-layered diatomic metasurface will be an apparent technological extension.
Here, spin-selective modulation of terahertz (THz) beams is realized by assembling a pair of meta-atoms with birefringent effects. The distinct modulation functions arise from geometric phase profiles characterized by multiple rotational properties, which introduce independent parametric factors that elucidate their physical significance.
By arranging the key parameters, the proposed design strategy can be employed to realize independent amplitude and phase manipulation. A series of THz metasurface samples with specific modulation functions are characterized, experimentally demonstrating the accuracy of on-demand manipulation. This research paves the way for all-silicon meta-optics that may have great potential in imaging, sensing and detection.