Microchip imaging cytometer: making healthcare available, accessible, and affordable
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Microchip Imaging Cell Instrument: make medical services available, available and Price reasonable
Microchip Imaging cytometer: rendre les services médicaux disponibles, accessibles et abordables
микрочип - формирователь клеток изображения: сделать медицинское обслуживание доступным, доступным и недорогим
Xilong Yuan, Todd Darcie, Ziyin Wei, J Stewart Aitchison
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, M5S 3G4, Canada
Opto-Electronic Advances, 03 August 2022

The Microchip Imaging Cytometer (MIC) is a class of integrated point-of-care detection systems based on the combination of optical microscopy and flow cytometry. MIC devices have the attributes of portability, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability while providing quantitative measurements to meet the needs of laboratory testing in a variety of healthcare settings.

Based on the use of microfluidic chips, MIC requires less sample and can complete sample preparation automatically. Therefore, they can provide quantitative testing results simply using a finger prick specimen. The decreased reagent consumption and reduced form factor also help improve the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services in remote and resource-limited settings.

In this article, we review recent developments of the Microchip Imaging Cytometer from the following aspects: clinical applications, microfluidic chip integration, imaging optics, and image acquisition. Following, we provide an outlook of the field and remark on promising technologies that may enable significant progress in the near future.
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