Laser scribed graphene for supercapacitors
슈퍼커패시터용 레이저 스크라이빙 그래핀
Grafeno trazado con láser para supercondensadores
Graphène gravé au laser pour les supercondensateurs
Графен с лазерной разметкой для суперконденсаторов
Zhengfen Wan 万正芬 ¹ ², Xi Chen 陈希 ¹ ², Min Gu 顾敏 ¹ ²
¹ Institute of Photonic Chips, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
中国 上海 上海理工大学光子芯片研究院
² Centre for Artificial-Intelligence Nanophotonics, School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
中国 上海 上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院 人工智能纳米光子学中心
Opto-Electronic Advances, 25 July 2021

Supercapacitors, with the merits of both capacitors for safe and fast charge and batteries for high energy storage have drawn tremendous attention. Recently, laser scribed graphene has been increasingly studied for supercapacitor applications due to its unique properties, such as flexible fabrication, large surface area and high electrical conductivity. With the laser direct writing process, graphene can be directly fabricated and patterned as the supercapacitor electrodes.

In this review, facile laser direct writing methods for graphene were firstly summarized. Various precursors, mainly graphene oxide and polyimide were employed for laser scribed graphene and the modifications of graphene properties were also discussed. This laser scribed graphene was applied for electrochemical double-layer capacitors, pseudo-capacitors and hybrid supercapacitors. Diverse strategies including doping, composite materials and pattern design were utilized to enhance the electrochemical performances of supercapacitors. Featured supercapacitors with excellent flexible, ultrafine-structured and integrated functions were also reviewed.
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