Large-field objective lens for multi-wavelength microscopy at mesoscale and submicron resolution
중척도와 마이크로미터 해상도의 다파장 현미경을 위한 대시물경
Lentes de gran campo de visión para microscopios multilongitud de onda de resolución mesoescala y submicron
Objectifs grand champ pour microscopes Multi - longueurs d'onde à résolution mésométrique et submicronique
Объект с большим полем зрения для многоволновых микроскопов со средним и субмикронным разрешением
Xin Xu 徐欣 ¹ ², Qin Luo 罗勤 ¹ ², Jixiang Wang 王吉祥 ¹ ², Yahui Song 宋雅慧 ¹ ², Hong Ye 叶虹 ², Xin Zhang 张欣 ², Yi He 何益 ², Minxuan Sun 孙敏轩 ¹ ², Ruobing Zhang 张若冰 ¹ ², Guohua Shi 史国华 ¹ ²
¹ School of Biomedical Engineering (Suzhou), Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
中国 合肥 中国科学技术大学 生命科学与医学部 生物医学工程学院(苏州)
² Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Medical Optics, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Suzhou 215163, China
中国 苏州 中国科学院 苏州生物医学工程技术研究所 江苏省医用光学重点实验室
Opto-Electronic Advances, 11 June 2024

Conventional microscopes designed for submicron resolution in biological research are hindered by a limited field of view, typically around 1 mm. This restriction poses a challenge when attempting to simultaneously analyze various parts of a sample, such as different brain areas. In addition, conventional objective lenses struggle to perform consistently across the required range of wavelengths for brain imaging in vivo.

Here we present a novel mesoscopic objective lens with an impressive field of view of 8 mm, a numerical aperture of 0.5, and a working wavelength range from 400 to 1000 nm. We achieved a resolution of 0.74 μm in fluorescent beads imaging. The versatility of this lens was further demonstrated through high-quality images of mouse brain and kidney sections in a wide-field imaging system, a confocal laser scanning system, and a two-photon imaging system.

This mesoscopic objective lens holds immense promise for advancing multi-wavelength imaging of large fields of view at high resolution.
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