Diode-pumped wavelength-switchable visible Pr3+:YLF laser and vortex laser around 670 nm
二极管泵浦波长可切换可见 Pr³⁺:YLF 激光和 670 nm 左右的涡旋激光
다이오드 펌핑 파장 전환 가능한 가시 Pr³⁺:YLF 레이저 및 670nm 부근의 와류 레이저
Láser Pr³⁺:YLF visible, bombeado por diodos y de longitud de onda conmutable, alrededor de 670 nm
Laser Pr³⁺: YLF visible à longueur d'onde commutable pompé par diode et laser vortex autour de 670 nm
Видимый Pr³⁺:YLF-лазер с переключаемой длиной волны с диодной накачкой и вихревой лазер около 670 нм
Xiuji Lin, Qichen Feng, Yao Zhu, Shuaihao Ji, Bo Xiao, Huiying Xu 许惠英, Wensong Li 李文松, Zhiping Cai 蔡志平
Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Electronic Science and Engineering (National Model Microelectronics College), Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
中国 厦门 厦门大学电子科学与技术学院(国家示范性微电子学院)电子工程系
Opto-Electronic Advances, 6 April 2021

Here we developed a novel wavelength-switchable visible continuous-wave (CW) Pr3+:YLF laser around 670 nm. In single-wavelength laser operations, the maximum output powers of 2.60 W, 1.26 W, and 0.21 W, the maximum slope efficiencies of 34.7%, 27.3%, and 12.3% were achieved with good beam qualities (M2 < 1.6) at 670.4 nm, 674.2 nm, and 678.9 nm, respectively. Record-high output power (2.6 W) and record-high slope efficiency (34.7%) were achieved for the Pr3+:YLF laser operation at 670.4 nm. This is also the first demonstration of longer-wavelength peaks beyond 670 nm in the 3P1→3F3 transition of Pr3+:YLF.

In multi-wavelength laser operations, the dual-wavelength lasings, including 670.1/674.8 nm, 670.1/679.1 nm, and 675.0/679.4 nm, were obtained by fine adjustment of one/two etalons within the cavity. Furthermore, the triple-wavelength lasings, e.g. 672.2/674.2/678.6 nm and 670.4/674.8/679.4 nm, were successfully demonstrated. Moreover, both the first-order vortex lasers (LG0+1 and LG0-1 modes) at 670.4 nm were obtained by off-axis pumping.
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