Confocal laser speckle autocorrelation imaging of dynamic flow in microvasculature
미세혈관에서 동적 흐름의 공초점 레이저 반점 자기상관 이미징
Imágenes de autocorrelación de moteado láser confocal de flujo dinámico en microvasculatura
Imagerie confocale d'autocorrélation du speckle laser du flux dynamique dans la microvascularisation
Конфокальная лазерная спекл-автокорреляционная визуализация динамического потока в микроциркуляторном русле
E Du 杜娥, Shuhao Shen, Anqi Qiu 仇安琪, Nanguang Chen 陈南光
Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 7 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117574, Singapore
Opto-Electronic Advances, 28 February 2022

Laser speckle imaging has been widely used for in-vivo visualization of blood perfusion in biological tissues. However, existing laser speckle imaging techniques suffer from limited quantification accuracy and spatial resolution. Here we report a novel design and implementation of a powerful laser speckle imaging platform to solve the two critical limitations.

The core technique of our platform is a combination of line scan confocal microscopy with laser speckle autocorrelation imaging, which is termed Line Scan Laser Speckle Autocorrelation Imaging (LS-LSAI). The technical advantages of LS-LSAI include high spatial resolution (~4.4 μm) for visualizing and quantifying blood flow in microvessels, as well as video-rate imaging speed for tracing dynamic flow.
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