A novel method for designing crosstalk-free achromatic full Stokes imaging polarimeter
무직렬 소색차 전체 스톡스 영상 편광기를 설계하는 새로운 방법
Un nuevo método para diseñar un polarímetro de imagen de Stokes completo sin interferencia y acromatología
Une nouvelle façon de concevoir un polarimètre d'imagerie full Stokes sans diaphonie achromatique
Новый метод проектирования антихроматического поляризатора без помех
Jinghua Teng 滕京华 ¹
¹ Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), 2 Fusionopolis Way, Singapore 138634, Singapore
Opto-Electronic Advances, 31 August 2023

Metasurface-based polarimetry techniques have attracted lots of interests and been extensively studied in the past years, but are still hampered by narrow operating bandwidth and large crosstalk. Recently, Xian-Gang Luo's group proposed a new method of polarization-dependent phase optimization for the design of crosstalk-free, broadband achromatic, and full Stokes imaging polarimeter, which offers a promising platform for a wide range of applications including bio-photonics and integrated optics.
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