Side-polished SMS based RI sensor employing macro-bending perfluorinated POF
采用宏弯全氟化 POF 的基于侧抛光 SMS 的 RI 传感器
매크로 벤딩 과불소 POF를 사용하는 측면 연마 SMS 기반 RI 센서
Sensor RI basado en SMS con pulido lateral que emplea POF perfluorado de macro-flexión
Capteur RI à base de SMS à polissage latéral utilisant un POF perfluoré à macro-cintrage
Датчик RI на основе SMS с боковой полировкой и перфторированным POF с макроизгибом
Xuezhi Zhang 张学智 ¹ ² ³, Boyue Yang 杨博越 ¹ ² ³, Junfeng Jiang 江俊峰 ¹ ² ³, Kun Liu 刘琨 ¹ ² ³, Xiaojun Fan 樊晓军 ¹ ² ³, Zhaozhu Liu 刘召柱 ¹ ² ³, Min Peng 彭敏 ¹ ² ³, Guanlong Chen 陈冠龙 ¹ ² ³, Tiegen Liu 刘铁根 ¹ ² ³
¹ School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
中国 天津 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院
² Tianjin Optical Fiber Sensing Engineering Center, Institute of Optical Fiber Sensing of Tianjin University
中国 天津 天津大学光纤传感研究所 天津市光纤传感工程中心
³ Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Information Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, China
中国 天津 光电信息技术教育部重点实验室(天津大学)
Opto-Electronic Advances, 25 October 2021

A refractive index (RI) sensor based on perfluorinated plastic optical fiber (PF-POF) is introduced in this paper. The PF-POF as multi-mode fiber was side-polished (SP) to form a macro-bending single-mode-multimode-single-mode (SMS) structure. Both ends of the sensor were closely connected to single-mode quartz optical fiber (SMF). The spectral characteristics of the sensor are measured, analyzed and discussed.

The results show that when the length of PF-POF is 8 cm, the macro-bending radius is 3 cm, and the SP-depth is 20 μm. The intensity sensitivity reaches −219.504 dBm/RIU in the range of RI = 1.330 ~ 1.356. A reference is provided for the application of PF-POF in RI sensor in the future. The sensor is featured with low-cost, good flexibility and high efficiency.
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