Impact-sliding wear response of 2.25Cr1Mo steel tubes: Experimental and semi-analytical method
2.25Cr1Mo 강관의 충격 슬라이딩 마모 응답: 실험 및 반분석 방법
Respuesta al desgaste por impacto y deslizamiento de tubos de acero 2.25Cr1Mo: método experimental y semi-analítico
Réponse à l'usure choc-glissement des tubes en acier 2.25Cr1Mo : méthode expérimentale et semi-analytique
Реакция на ударно-скользящий износ труб из стали 2.25Cr1Mo: экспериментальный и полуаналитический метод
Meigui Yin 尹美贵 ¹ ², Chaise Thibaut ², Liwen Wang 王立闻 ³, Daniel Nélias ², Minhao Zhu 朱旻昊 ¹, Zhenbing Cai 蔡振兵 ¹
¹ Tribology Research Institute, Key Lab of Advanced Technologies of Materials, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China
中国 成都 西南交通大学 材料先进技术教育部重点实验室 摩擦学研究所
² Univ Lyon INSA-Lyon, Villeurbanne, F69621, France
³ Research Institute of Dongfang Electric Corporation, Chengdu, 611731, China
中国 成都 东方电气中央研究院
Friction, 19 October 2021

The impact-sliding wear behavior of steam generator tubes in nuclear power plants is complex owing to the dynamic nature of the mechanical response and self-induced tribological changes. In this study, the effects of impact and sliding velocity on the impact-sliding wear behavior of a 2.25Cr1Mo steel tube are investigated experimentally and numerically.

In the experimental study, a wear test rig that can measure changes in the impact and friction forces as well as the compressive displacement over different wear cycles, both in real time, is designed. A semi-analytical model based on the Archard wear law and Hertz contact theory is used to predict wear.

The results indicate that the impact dynamic effect by the impact velocity is more significant than that of the sliding velocity, and that both velocities affect the friction force and wear degree. The experimental results for the wear depth evolution agree well with the corresponding simulation predictions.
Reviews and Discussions
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