Construction of Multi-level Space-filling Designs via Code Mappings
코드 매핑을 통한 다단계 공간 채우기 설계 구축
Construcción de diseños de relleno de espacio de varios niveles a través de asignaciones de código
Construction de conceptions de remplissage d'espace à plusieurs niveaux via des mappages de code
Построение концепций remplissage d'espace à plusieurs niveaux с помощью картографических страниц кода
Hui-li XUE 薛慧丽, Xing-you HUANG 黄兴友, Hong-yi LI 李洪毅
College of Mathematics and Statistics, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China
中国 吉首 吉首大学数学与统计学院
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 3 February 2022

Space-filling designs are widely used in various fields because of their nice space-filling properties. Uniform designs are one of space-filling designs, which desires the experimental points to scatter uniformly over the experimental area. For practical need, the construction and their properties of nine-level uniform designs are discussed via two code mappings in this paper.

Firstly, the algorithm of constructing nine-level uniform designs is presented from an initial three-level design by the Type-I code mapping and tripling technique. Secondly, the algorithm of constructing nine-level uniform designs is presented from a three-level base design by the Type-II code mapping and generalized orthogonal arrays. Moreover, relative properties are discussed based on the two code mappings. Finally, some numerical examples are given out for supporting our theoretical results.
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Reviews and Discussions
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