Complete-basis-reprogrammable coding metasurface for generating dynamically-controlled holograms under arbitrary polarization states
임의의 편광 상태에서 동적 제어 홀로그램을 생성하는 데 사용되는 전체 기반 재프로그래밍 가능한 코딩 메타 표면
Superficie de codificación reprogramable de base completa para generar Hologramas de control dinámico en cualquier Estado de polarización
Méta - surface de codage reprogrammable à base complète pour générer des hologrammes à contrôle dynamique dans des états de polarisation arbitraires
Полностью базовая перепрограммируемая метаповерхность для создания динамически управляемой голограммы в произвольном поляризованном состоянии
Zuntian Chu 楚遵天 ¹ ², Xinqi Cai ¹ ², Ruichao Zhu 朱瑞超 ¹ ², Tonghao Liu 刘同豪 ³, Huiting Sun 孙辉廷 ¹ ², Tiefu Li 李铁夫 ¹ ², Yuxiang Jia 贾宇翔 ¹ ², Yajuan Han 韩亚娟 ¹ ², Shaobo Qu 屈绍波 ¹ ², Jiafu Wang 王甲富 ¹ ²
¹ Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Artificially-Structured Functional Materials and Devices, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China
中国 西安 中国人民解放军空军工程大学 陕西省人工结构功能材料与器件重点实验室
² Suzhou Laboratory, Suzhou 215000, China
中国 苏州 苏州实验室
³ Zhijian Laboratory, Rocket Force University of Engineering, Xi'an 710025, China
中国 西安 中国人民解放军火箭军工程大学 智剑实验室
Opto-Electronic Advances, 26 July 2024

Reprogrammable metasurfaces, which establish a fascinating bridge between physical and information domains, can dynamically control electromagnetic (EM) waves in real time and thus have attracted great attentions from researchers around the world. To control EM waves with an arbitrary polarization state, it is desirable that a complete set of basis states be controlled independently since incident EM waves with an arbitrary polarization state can be decomposed as a linear sum of these basis states.

In this work, we present the concept of complete-basis-reprogrammable coding metasurface (CBR-CM) in reflective manners, which can achieve independently dynamic controls over the reflection phases while maintaining the same amplitude for left-handed circularly polarized (LCP) waves and right-handed circularly polarized (RCP) waves. Since LCP and RCP waves together constitute a complete basis set of planar EM waves, dynamically-controlled holograms can be generated under arbitrarily polarized wave incidence.

The dynamically reconfigurable meta-particle is implemented to demonstrate the CBR-CM’s robust capability of controlling the longitudinal and transverse positions of holograms under LCP and RCP waves independently. It’s expected that the proposed CBR-CM opens up ways of realizing more sophisticated and advanced devices with multiple independent information channels, which may provide technical assistance for digital EM environment reproduction.
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