Charge collection narrowing mechanism in electronic-grade-diamond photodetectors
전자급 금강석 광전 탐지기의 전하 수집 협소 메커니즘
Mecanismo de reducción de la recogida de carga eléctrica en fotodetectores de diamantes electrónicos
Mécanisme de rétrécissement de la collecte de charge dans les photodétecteurs au diamant de niveau électronique
механизм сужения сбора заряда в электронном алмазном фотодетекторе
Xiaoping Ouyang 欧阳晓平
State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect and Radiation Detection Research Center, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, 710024 Xi'an, China
中国 西安 西北核技术研究所 强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室
Recently, an extreme narrowband spectral response of only 8 nm in electronic-grade diamond-based photodetectors has been observed by Zheng Wei and his colleagues from Sun Yat-sen University for the first time. A charge collection narrowing mechanism assisted by free exciton radiative recombination is proposed, which well reveals the characteristic spectral response of diamond.