An externally perceivable smart leaky-wave antenna based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons
위조 표면 플라즈마 격원을 기반으로 한 외부 감지 지능 누파 안테나
Antena de fuga inteligente perceptible externa basada en plasmones pseudo - superficiales
Antenne de fuite intelligente externe sensible à base de Plasmons de pseudo - surface
внешняя воспринимаемая интеллектуальная антенна утечки на основе псевдоповерхностных плазменных ускорителей
Weihan Li 李威汉 ¹ ², Jia Chen 陈佳 ¹ ², Shizhao Gao 高世召 ¹ ², Lingyun Niu 牛凌云 ¹ ², Jiaxuan Wei 魏家烜 ¹ ², Ruosong Sun 孙若松 ¹ ², Yaqi Wei 韦雅淇 ¹ ², Wenxuan Tang 汤文轩 ¹ ², Tie Jun Cui 崔铁军 ¹ ²
¹ State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
中国 南京 东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室
² Institute of Electromagnetic Space, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
中国 南京 东南大学电磁空间科学与技术研究院
Opto-Electronic Advances, 25 September 2024

Smart antennas have received great attention for their potentials to enable communication and perception functions at the same time. However, realizing the function synthesis remains an open challenge, and most existing system solutions are limited to narrow operating bands and high complexity and cost.

Here, we propose an externally perceivable leaky-wave antenna (LWA) based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs), which can realize adaptive real-time switching between the “radiating” and “non-radiating” states and beam tracking at different frequencies. With the assistance of computer vision, the smart SSPP-LWA is able to detect the external target user or jammer, and intelligently track the target by self-adjusting the operating frequency.

The proposed scheme helps to reduce the power consumption through dynamically controlling the radiating state of the antenna, and improve spectrum utilization and avoid spectrum conflicts through intelligently deciding the radiating frequency. On the other hand, it is also helpful for the physical layer communication security through switching the antenna working state according to the presence of the target and target beam tracking in real time.

In addition, the proposed smart antenna can be generalized to other metamaterial systems and could be a candidate for synaesthesia integration in future smart antenna systems.
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