Metasurface-based nanoprinting: principle, design and advances
초표면 기반 나노 인쇄: 원리, 설계 및 진전
Nanoimpresión basada en supersuperficies: principios, diseño y desarrollo
Nano - Printing Based on supersurface: Principles, Design and Progress
нанопечатание на основе надповерхности: принципы, дизайн и прогресс
Rao Fu 付娆 ¹, Kuixian Chen 陈奎先 ¹, Zile Li 李子乐 ¹ ², Shaohua Yu 余少华 ², Guoxing Zheng 郑国兴 ¹ ² ³ ⁴
¹ School of Electronic Information and School of Microelectronics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
中国 武汉 武汉大学 电子信息学院 微电子学院
² Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen 518055, China
中国 深圳 鹏城实验室
³ Wuhan Institute of Quantum Technology, Wuhan 430206, China
中国 武汉 武汉量子技术研究院
⁴ Hubei Luojia Laboratory, Wuhan 430079, China
中国 武汉 湖北珞珈实验室
Opto-Electronic Science, 28 October 2022

Metasurface-based nanoprinting (meta-nanoprinting) has fully demonstrated its advantages in ultrahigh-density grayscale/color image recording and display. A typical meta-nanoprinting device usually has image resolutions reaching 80 k dots per inch (dpi), far exceeding conventional technology such as gravure printing (typ. 5 k dpi). Besides, by fully exploiting the design degrees of freedom of nanostructured metasurfaces, meta-nanoprinting has been developed from previous single-channel to multiple-channels, to current multifunctional integration or even dynamic display.

In this review, we overview the development of meta-nanoprinting, including the physics of nanoprinting to manipulate optical amplitude and spectrum, single-functional meta-nanoprinting, multichannel meta-nanoprinting, dynamic meta-nanoprinting and multifunctional metasurface integrating nanoprinting with holography or metalens, etc.

Applications of meta-nanoprinting such as image display, vortex beam generation, information decoding and hiding, information encryption, high-density optical storage and optical anti-counterfeiting have also been discussed. Finally, we conclude the opportunities and challenges/perspectives in this rapidly developing research field of meta-nanoprinting.
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