Light-stimulated adaptive artificial synapse based on nanocrystalline metal-oxide film
나노 금속 산화물 막에 기초한 광 자극은 인공 시냅스에 적응한다
Sinapsis artificiales adaptativas estimuladas por la luz basadas en membranas de óxido metálico nanométrico
Synapses artificielles adaptatives stimulées par la lumière à base de films d'oxydes nanométalliques
Адаптивные искусственные синапсы на основе фотостимуляции на основе нанометаллических оксидных пленок
Igor S. Balashov ¹, Alexander A. Chezhegov ¹, Artem S. Chizhov ², Andrey A. Grunin ¹, Konstantin V. Anokhin ³ ⁴, Andrey A. Fedyanin ¹
¹ Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
² Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
³ Institute for Advanced Brain Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
⁴ P. K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology, Moscow 125315, Russia
Opto-Electronic Science, 6 December 2023

Artificial synapses utilizing spike signals are essential elements of new generation brain-inspired computers. In this paper, we realize light-stimulated adaptive artificial synapse based on nanocrystalline zinc oxide film.

The artificial synapse photoconductivity shows spike-type signal response, long and short-term memory (LTM and STM), STM-to-LTM transition and paired-pulse facilitation. It is also retaining the memory of previous exposures and demonstrates spike-frequency adaptation properties.

A way to implement neurons with synaptic depression, tonic excitation, and delayed accelerating types of response under the influence of repetitive light signals is discussed. The developed artificial synapse is able to become a key element of neuromorphic chips and neuromorphic sensorics systems.
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