High performance micromachining of sapphire by laser induced plasma assisted ablation (LIPAA) using GHz burst mode femtosecond pulses
GHz 돌발 모드 비초 펄스 레이저를 이용하여 플라즈마 보조 부식(LIPAA)을 유도하여 사파이어의 고성능 미세 가공을 실현한다
Microprocesamiento de alto rendimiento de zafiro mediante ablación asistida por plasma inducida por láser de pulso Femtosegundo en modo de explosión de GHz (lipaa)
Micro - usinage haute performance du saphir avec ablation assistée par plasma induite par laser pulsé femtoseconde en mode rafale GHz (lipaa)
Высокопроизводительная микрообработка сапфира с помощью импульсного лазера, индуцированного в фемтосекундном режиме вспышки ГГц (LIPAA)
Kotaro Obata ¹, Shota Kawabata ¹ ², Yasutaka Hanada ¹ ³, Godai Miyaji ², Koji Sugioka ¹
¹ RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP), Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
² Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
³ Graduate school of science and technology, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8561, Japan
Opto-Electronic Science, 24 June 2024

GHz burst-mode femtosecond (fs) laser, which emits a series of pulse trains with extremely short intervals of several hundred picoseconds, provides distinct characteristics in materials processing as compared with the conventional irradiation scheme of fs laser (single-pulse mode). In this paper, we take advantage of the moderate pulse interval of 205 ps (4.88 GHz) in the burst pulse for high-quality and high-efficiency micromachining of single crystalline sapphire by laser induced plasma assisted ablation (LIPAA).

Specifically, the preceding pulses in the burst generate plasma by ablation of copper placed behind the sapphire substrate, which interacts with the subsequent pulses to induce ablation at the rear surface of sapphire substrates. As a result, not only the ablation quality but also the ablation efficiency and the fabrication resolution are greatly improved compared to the other schemes including single-pulse mode fs laser direct ablation, single-pulse mode fs-LIPAA, and nanosecond-LIPAA.
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