Validation of the bodily expressive action stimulus test among Chinese adults and children
중국 성인과 어린이를 대상으로 한 신체 표현 행동 자극 테스트의 검증
Validación de la prueba de estímulo de acción expresiva corporal entre adultos y niños chinos
Validation du test de stimulation de l'action corporelle expressive chez les adultes et les enfants chinois
Валидация теста стимула телесно-выразительного действия среди взрослых и детей Китая
Yunmei Yang 杨运梅 ¹ ², Wenwen Hou 侯文文 ¹ ², Jing Li 李晶 ¹ ²
¹ CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
中国 北京 中国科学院心理研究所 中国科学院行为科学重点实验室
² Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
中国 北京 中国科学院大学心理学系
PsyCh Journal, 17 April 2022

The bodily expressive action stimulus test (BEAST) is developed to provide a set of standardized emotional stimuli for experimental investigations of emotion and attention, and the consistency has been validated in adult populations abroad. However, the consistency of this test in the Chinese population is unclear.

To this end, 42 images of each category of emotion (happiness, sadness, fear, and anger) were selected from 254 images of the original stimulus set to further examine the consistency of the BEAST in Chinese population. Thirty-one Chinese college students and 41 Chinese preschool children participated in this study. All of them were asked to complete an emotion recognition and judgment task.

Results showed that adults had a high degree of consistency in rating these pictures, while the children's consistency was at a medium level. For adults, sadness was the easiest to recognize, followed by fear and anger, while happiness was the hardest to recognize. For children, fear was the easiest to recognize, anger and sadness were second, and happiness was also the hardest to recognize.

At the same time, adults were more accurate in identifying happiness and sadness than children. For adults, they were more likely to confuse positive emotions with negative emotions. They tended to mistake sadness, fear, and anger for happiness. For children, they were more likely to identify sadness as fear and happiness. They also tended to recognize anger as fear.

These results indicate that the recognition performance of BEAST images for Chinese and Western adults are roughly the same, however, in the same cultural context, the recognition performance of adults and children are very different, and generally the recognition accuracy rate of adults is higher than that of children.
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