Reprocessing Twelve-Years of Fengyun-3 Microwave Humidity Sounder Historical Data
Fengyun-3 마이크로파 습도 측심기의 12년 기록 데이터 재처리
Reprocesamiento de doce años de datos históricos de la sonda de humedad de microondas Fengyun-3
Retraitement de douze ans de données historiques du sondeur d'humidité à micro-ondes Fengyun-3
Обработка исторических данных микроволнового зонда влажности Fengyun-3 за 12 лет
Yang GUO 郭杨 ¹, Fangli DOU 窦芳丽 ¹, Qiong WU 吴琼 ¹, Jieying HE 何杰颖 ², Shengwei ZHANG 张升伟 ², Zhenzhan WANG 王振占 ², Songyan GU 谷松岩 ¹, Peng ZHANG 张鹏 ¹
¹ National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081
中国 北京 中国气象局 国家卫星气象中心
² National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
中国 北京 中国科学院 国家空间科学中心
Journal of Meteorological Research, 29 December 2021

Atmospheric water vapor is an essential climate variable (ECV) with extensive spatial and temporal variations. Microwave humidity observations from meteorological satellites provide important information for climate system variables, including atmospheric water vapor and precipitable water, and assimilation in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and reanalysis.

As one of the payloads onboard China's second-generation polar-orbiting operational meteorological Fengyun-3 (FY-3) satellites, the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MWHS) has been continuously observing the global humidity since 2008. The reprocessing of historical FY-3 MWHS data is documented in detail in this paper. After calibrating and correcting the data, the quality of the reprocessed dataset is evaluated and the improvement is shown in this study.

Results suggest that the MWHS observations bias is reduced to approximately 0.8 K, compared with METOP-A Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS). The temporal variability of the MWHS was highly correlated with the instrument temperature. After reprocessing, the scene temperature dependency was mitigated for all 183 GHz channels, and the consistency and stability between FY-3A/B/C are also improved.
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