Rapid removal of copper impurity from bismuth-copper alloy melts via super-gravity separation
초중력 분리를 통해 비스무트-구리 합금 용융물에서 구리 불순물을 신속하게 제거
Eliminación rápida de impurezas de cobre de fundiciones de aleación de bismuto-cobre mediante separación por supergravedad
Élimination rapide des impuretés de cuivre des fusions d'alliages de bismuth et de cuivre via une séparation par super-gravité
Быстрое удаление примесей меди из расплавов висмут-медного сплава за счет супергравитационного разделения
Xiao-chun Wen 温小椿, Lei Guo 郭磊, Qi-peng Bao 鲍其鹏, Zhan-cheng Guo 郭占成
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China
中国 北京 北京科技大学 钢铁冶金新技术国家重点实验室
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 24 November 2021

A green method of super-gravity separation, which can enhance the filtration process of bismuth and copper phases, was investigated and discussed for the rapid removal of copper impurity from bismuth-copper alloy melts.

After separation by the super-gravity field, the bismuth-rich liquid phases were mainly filtered from the alloy melt along the super-gravity direction, whereas most of the fine copper phases were retained in the opposite direction. With optimized conditions of separation temperature at 280°C, gravity coefficient at 450, and separation time at 200 s, the mass proportion of the separated bismuth from the Bi-2wt%Cu and Bi-10wt%Cu alloys respectively reached 96% and 85%, which indicated the minimal loss of bismuth in the residual.

Simultaneously, the removal ratio of impurity copper from the Bi-2wt%Cu and Bi-10wt%Cu alloys reached 88% and 98%, respectively. Furthermore, the separation process could be completed rapidly and is environmentally friendly and efficient.
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