Lowering the Carbon Emissions Peak and Accelerating the Transition Towards Net Zero Carbon
탄소 배출량 피크를 낮추고 순 탄소 제로로의 전환 가속화
Reducir el pico de emisiones de carbono y acelerar la transición hacia el carbono neto cero
Abaisser le pic d'émissions de carbone et accélérer la transition vers le net zéro carbone
Снижение пика выбросов углерода и ускорение перехода к чистому нулевому выбросу углерода
Jiahua Pan 潘家华
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China
中国 北京 中国社会科学院
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
中国 北京 北京工业大学
Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies, 10 September 2021

China's declaration to the international community to peak CO₂ emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 is of great significance in advancing the objectives of the Paris Agreement, and has a positive and far-reaching impact on China’s high-quality development. This paper expounds on responsibilities and ambitions in tackling climate change, analyzes the high-quality development opportunities brought about by CO₂ emissions peak and carbon neutrality, and discusses the net zero carbon emissions transformation in the new era of ecological civilization.

This paper is of the view that development towards net zero carbon emissions provides a new impetus for building a Beautiful China, and promoting ecological civilization and green development. The essence of carbon neutrality should be correctly understood so that the world will work together to improve climate resilience. China should also deepen the understanding of the principles and methodologies of climate change economics.
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