SD-WAN 에서 의 도 를 바탕 으로 하 는 전략 최적화
Optimización de la estrategia basada en la intención en SD-WAN
Optimisation des politiques basées sur l'intention dans le SD-WAN
оптимизация стратегий на основе намерений в SD-WAN
SIGCOMM '21: Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '21 Poster and Demo Sessions, 23 August 2021
To optimize bandwidth utilization in wide area networks, a controller typically maintains policies at edge routers. In this context, our demonstration presents a versatile policy optimization model that carefully selects the set of overlay links for each application based on its requirements and the overall intent of the operator. The optimization of policies is realized using an SLA prediction model for several intents. We demonstrate, for instance, that latency is improved by 40% when the high-quality intent is selected.