Fabrication and characterization of mussel-inspired layer-by-layer assembled CL-20-based energetic films via micro-jet printing
通过微喷印制备受贻贝启发的逐层组装 CL-20 基能量薄膜的制备和表征
마이크로젯 프린팅을 통한 홍합에서 영감을 받은 레이어별로 조립된 CL-20 기반 에너지 필름의 제조 및 특성화
Fabricación y caracterización de películas energéticas a base de CL-20 ensambladas capa por capa inspiradas en el mejillón mediante impresión por microchorro
Fabrication et caractérisation de films énergétiques à base de CL-20 assemblés couche par couche inspirés des moules par impression micro-jet
Изготовление и характеристика послойно собранных энергетических пленок на основе CL-20, вдохновленных мидиями, с помощью микроструйной печати
Chun-yan Li ¹ ³, Sheng Kong 孔胜 ¹, Dong-jie Liao ¹, Chong-wei An 安崇伟 ¹ ², Bao-yun Ye 叶宝云 ¹ ², Jing-yu Wang 王晶禹 ¹ ²
¹ School of Environment and Safety Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan, 030051, Shanxi, China
中国 陕西 太原 中北大学环境与安全工程学院
² Shanxi Engineering Technology Research Center for Ultrafine Powder, North University of China, Taiyuan, 030051, Shanxi, China
中国 陕西 太原 中北大学 山西省超细粉体工程技术研究中心
³ Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Taiyuan, 030008, Shanxi, China
中国 陕西 太原 太原工业学院
Three-dimensional (3D) micro-jet printing is a droplet deposition technique based on liquid-phase materials. To improve the deposition density and performance of energetic films with micro/nanoscale on an energetic chip, polydopamine (PDA) was utilized as a linker bridge to induce the in-situ self-assembly of CL-20-based energetic film via 3D micro-jet printing. The self-assembly was extensively characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), SEM, power-XRD, XPS, and DSC. The performance of the self-assembled film was verified by the mechanical properties and detonation properties, and a possible self-assembly mechanism in the layer-by-layer micro-jet printing process was proposed.
The results indicated PDA-induced self-assembly enhanced the physical entanglement between the binders and energetic crystal, reduced the porosity from 15.87% to 11.28%, and improved the elastic modulus and the detonation performance of the CL-20-based energetic film. This work proposes a novel and promising energetic film design and fabrication strategy to enhance the interaction between the energetic composite layers in the micro-jet printing process.