Development of a double-layer shaking table for large-displacement high-frequency excitation
대변위 고주파 가진용 이층 진탕대 개발
Desarrollo de una mesa vibratoria de doble capa para excitación de alta frecuencia de gran desplazamiento
Développement d'une table vibrante double couche pour l'excitation haute fréquence à grand déplacement
Разработка двухслойного вибростенда для высокочастотного возбуждения большого объема
Pan Peng 潘鹏 ¹ ², Guo Youming 郭又铭 ², Kang Yingjie 康迎杰 ², Wang Tao 王涛 ¹, Han Qinghua 韩庆华 ³
¹ Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Sanhe, 065201, China
中国 三河 中国地震局工程力学研究所 地震工程与工程振动重点实验室
² Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
中国 北京 清华大学土木工程系
³ School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300350, China
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 20 January 2022

It is difficult to conduct shaking table tests that require large-displacement high-frequency seismic excitation due to the limited capacity of existing electrohydraulic servo systems. To address this problem, a double-layer shaking table (DLST) is proposed.

The DLST has two layers of one table each (i.e., an upper table and lower table) and aims at reproducing target seismic excitation on the upper table. The original signal is separated into two signals (i.e., a high-frequency signal and low-frequency signal) through a fast Fourier transform/inverse fast Fourier transform process, and these signals are applied to the two tables separately.

The actuators connected to different tables only need to generate large-displacement low-frequency or small-displacement high-frequency movements. The three-variable control method is used to generate large-displacement but low-frequency motion of the lower table and high-frequency but small-displacement motion of the upper table relative to the table beneath.

A series of simulations are carried out using MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results suggest that the DLST can successfully generate large-displacement high-frequency excitation. The control strategy in which the lower table tracks the low-frequency signal and the upper table tracks the original signal is recommended.
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Reviews and Discussions
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