Carbon Encapsulated Nickel Nanocomposites for the Cathode in Advanced Lithium Sulfur Batteries
고급 리튬 황 배터리의 음극을 위한 탄소 캡슐화 니켈 나노복합체
Nanocompuestos de níquel encapsulados en carbono para el cátodo en baterías avanzadas de azufre de litio
Nanocomposites de nickel encapsulés dans du carbone pour la cathode des batteries lithium-soufre avancées
Инкапсулированные углеродом нанокомпозиты никеля для катода в современных литий-серных батареях
Yang Yuxiang 杨宇翔, Xie Jingxin 谢婧新, Wu Genghuang 吴耿煌, Zhu Na 朱娜, Li Huan 李欢, Rong Junfeng 荣峻峰
SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing 100083
中国 北京 中国石化石油化工科学研究院
China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology, 30 December 2021

Lithium sulfur (Li-S) batteries are poised to be the next generation of high-density energy storage devices. In recent years, the concept of “electrocatalysis” has been introduced into the field of Li-S batteries, and some transition metals have been proved to catalyze the electrochemical conversion reaction of sulfur species. In this study, carbon encapsulated nickel nanoparticles (Ni@C) with a specific surface area of 146 m2/g are shown to play a definitive electrocatalytic role for the sulfur cathode. With Ni@C incorporated, the Ni@C/G-S electrode achieved a better electrochemical performance than the G-S electrode.

Moreover, the reversible capacity and cycle stability were further improved through chemical modifications of the carbon shell. The influence of doping with different elements on the Li-S battery performance was also investigated in detail. Higher specific capacities of 1229 mAh/g, 927 mAh/g, and 830 mAh/g were achieved at 0.2 C, 0.5 C, and 1.0 C for the N-Ni@C-G/S electrode. Besides, the B-Ni@C-G/S electrode possessed a best cycle stability.
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