Applications of optically and electrically driven nanoscale bowtie antennas
광학 및 전기 구동 나노 스케일 나비 넥타이 안테나의 응용
Aplicaciones de antenas bowtie a nanoescala impulsadas óptica y eléctricamente
Applications des antennes papillon nanométriques à commande optique et électrique
Применение нано-антенн-бабочки с оптическим и электрическим приводом
Zhongjun Jiang 蒋忠君, Yingjian Liu, Liang Wang 王亮
Department of Optics and Optical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
中国 合肥 中国科学技术大学光学与光学工程系
Opto-Electronic Science, 20 April 2022

Optical antennas play an important role in optical field manipulation. Among them, nanoscale bowtie antennas have been extensively studied for its high confinement and enhancement.

In this mini-review, we start with a brief introduction of bowtie antennas and underlying physics. Then we review the applications with respect to optically and electrically excited nanoscale bowtie antennas. Optically driven bowtie antennas enable a set of optical applications such as near-field imaging/trapping, nonlinear response, nanolithography, photon generation and detection.

Finally, we put emphasis on the principle and applications of electrically driven bowtie antennas, an emerging method of generating ultrafast and broadband tunable nanosources. In a word, nanoscale bowtie antennas still have great potential research value to explore.
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